Our workplace Well-being and working environment
At AS3, we work actively with our workplace environment policy. A good working environment is the responsibility of each and every one of us. This is what we expect of each other at AS3; that we all make an active contribution to a good and stimulating working environment.
Our approach to the working environment is based on our three core values: business orientation, decency and the long term. We work towards maintaining a good working environment throughout the group, because it is essential for our well-being in everyday life and for the results that we want to achieve for our clients and candidates.
Our goal is to be an industry leader among those working with Job Transition Management. This also applies to our working environment.
A digital well-being survey prevents stress in AS3
Stress-related illness is a growing problem in our modern, Western society. It is therefore important that we as employers, and in society as a whole, focus on how we establish the necessary frameworks to allow as many people as possible to experience a healthy work-life balance.
For a number of years AS3 has regularly conducted well-being surveys throughout the organization to ensure that we have a true and fair view of the well-being of the organization, and that we pick up signs of failure to thrive and stress early on, so that we have the opportunity to put in the necessary support for the individual employee.
AS3 has developed a new digital well- being survey for our customers, EVI. Our aim is to offer a tool that enables frequent and flexible assessment of employee welfare, in order to catch signs of failure to thrive as early as possible and thus prevent stress. In 2018, the measurement is also implemented in our own organization.
What do we think is a good working environment?
AS3 has incorporated a comprehensive and focused working environment management system. We abide by workplace environment legislation and by all other laws and regulations that are of relevance to AS3. We also take active steps towards preventing injury and remedial steps to continuously ensure that we have a good physical, psychological and ergonomic working environment.