We value quality and expertise in everything we do. Also in our internal leadership.
Therefore, we have developed an internal leadership education which all new managers in AS3 participate in.
Here you can read about the education and get an insight in how you will benefit from the program.
Why an internal leadership education?
In AS3 it is our core task to work with people experiencing work related changes. Our ability to lead the organisation is crucial to our success. Therefore we have decided to launch an internal leadership education, which all of our new managers participate in.
We believe that leadership is a personal craft which you will always be able to develop further. Therefore, our education is both for experienced leaders and leaders in their first leadership role.
The education is based on several years of teaching experience in, among others, the concepts of Transition Management, Well-being Management and Dismissal with Dignity.
At the moment, the education is only offered in Danish. However, we will always ensure, that you have the tools and knowledge you need to succeed in you leadership. Therefore, if you are not able to follow the danish education programme, you will receive the knowledge in a way adjusted to your needs.
The education will give you:
- Inspiration and strength to lead and motivate
- Increased authenticity in your leadership role
- Network with other leaders in AS3
- Sparring with your own personal coach
- The opportunity to discuss cases and train your leadership in confidentially
- Increased knowledge about legislation and about the opportunity to spar with HR.
- Increased clarity in your leadership
What should you expect?
The leadership education is divided into 9 themes with a variety of length. Regardless of whether you will be enrolled in the Danish programme or are to receive the knowledge of the programme in other ways, you will always gain insight in these 9 themes.
At the Danish education programme, there is admission throughout the year and you wont be following one permanent class. That means, that you will be able to meet different colleagues throughout the education.
You will meet different instructors who are all specialists within their field and your business unit manager will also attend at one of the curse days. Furthermore, you will meet the top management team in AS3 who will teach AS3's way of understanding leadership.
The curse days are held across the organisation which gives you the opportunity to reflect yourself in other leaders from different parts of the organisation.
The education offers both seminars, e-learning, networking and a personal coaching process. You will be practising and doing home assignments between the course days and you must therefore be prepared to devote time for preparation.
Participants at the leadership education talks about their experiences.